210 South Pepper Street, Suite B
P O Box 789,
Christiansburg, VA 24068
(540) 382-6990
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Who We Are
Montgomery County Department of Social Services assists families and individuals in becoming socially and economically self-sufficient and independent. Benefits programs include temporary assistance for needy families, food stamps, Cardinal Care Medicaid, energy assistance, general relief, fraud prevention, and children's medical security insurance. Social work programs include adoption, adult services/adult protective services, child protective services, daycare services for children, foster care, court services; and employment services for welfare recipients.
Our mission is to assist families and individuals to achieve social and economic security and self-determination. The Department encourages and provides for participation in our programs, not as an end, but as a means to empower families and individuals to attain self-sufficiency and independence. In cases where client or community limitations preclude independence, the Department"s goal is to focus on those services which families and individuals cannot better provide for themselves and to do so in the least intrusive manner.
CommonHelp is the Commonwealth of Virginia’s fast and easy way to apply online for many Virginia social services assistance programs. Through a single online site, you can find out what assistance you might be eligible for and submit one application saving you time and effort. Visit CommonHelp