Who We Are
Buckley's for Seniors does not offer any healthcare-related services are offered but a wide variety of tasks are offered. The services include rides to appointments for those who are still ambulatory, take clients shopping or go for them, meet service people at the door of their homes, arrange for home maintenance, organize living space, do research on senior-friendly products, food delivery, bill paying, bookkeeping, entertainment, technical support, and more. Hair cuts can also be done in the home
Buckley's Services also include working with family members to help seniors achieve maximum independence. The staff is bonded and licensed.
Northern Virginia, District of Columbia and Maryland are covered on a case-by-case basis. The future plan is to serve those areas better.
All of the services are the same price per hour rounded up by the quarter-hour. Sometimes a trip charge is made for travel to the client's location if the client is located very far away and they agree to the surcharge.
Service appointments are preferably made between 10 AM and 4 PM to cut down on the client having to pay for time in traffic.